Students and Parents: Click below to log into the ChapterNet Student Dashboard!
Step 1: Create an account
"Click to Login" to create an account or log in to an account already created. Students should use a permanent email address (not a school email address) when registering on this site. Students will need to check their email often for updates and further instructions. We will need to maintain contact with you after your high school graduation, so be sure the email on your profile is one you check regularly.
Step 2: Build your profile.
You will need to complete information in these areas:
- Build your profile (includes basisc and additional info, schools you have applied to)
- Parental information
- Family Financial information (Be sure to choose option 1 - FAFSA must be complete)
- Academic information (GPA and class rank, SAT/ACT scores (if you took them))
- Activities, employment, and awards
- Essays (2)
- Recommendation